Sunday 27 April 2014

Getting old?!

This September I reach the grand old age of 35! That's a proper grown up age isn't it?! Some may say still a whipper snapper but slowly, slowly I've realised I'm not as young as I used to be! Nothing gives it away as a good old "night out" in London! Please consider the evidence.....

Dale and I went out ("out out" to quote Micky Flannigan!) as an early celebration for his birthday this week. Dale's restaurant of choice...Meat Liquor . Still chasing the dream of finding "The Best Burger in London" he dragged me to what can only be described as some "hole of a joint" behind Debenhams, Oxford Street (classy yeah?!). Ok, so with age I've become a bit of a snob....I make no apologies for it, I just embrace it! 

So, call me old fashioned but when I go out for a meal I like to have enough light to read the menu, hear the people I am trying to talk to and wipe my mouth with something a bit more exciting than a roll of kitchen roll plonked on the table! (Getting old yeah?!). However, if dark, noisey, slightly spit and saw dusty burger joints float your boat then Meat Liquor's got your name on it!

Here's what I had...

The burgers are gluten free and I could have taken my own GF bun if I wanted. The fries are GF and fried in their own fryer but they are frozen so that rules me out. If I was your regular Coeliac I'd have been laughing but because I have additional issues, this was all I could have! Massive thanks to my lovely waitress though who went back and forwards to the kitchen finding loads of stuff out for me and all with a smile on her face!

Dale on the other hand was thrilled with his burger, fries and onion rings!

Another sign I'm getting on a bit.......we were back home by 6.30 and I was eating scrambled eggs with my  PJs on cos I was still hungry! The sign of a good night out yeah?!

However, my food snobbery is not always correct! (At least I can admit when I'm wrong!!). Over the Easter hols Dale and I found ourselves out and about at lunchtime with nowhere GF friendly to eat.....that is apart from Pizza Hut! Pizza Hut?!? Hmmm I hadn't eaten in Pizza Hut since I was about 14 and I seem to remember it being a bit of a free for all! I'm more of a Pizza Express kinda gal! Or so I thought.....

Let me introduce the GF vegetable pizza (Coeliac UK approved no less!)

I cannot stress how wrong I was. This pizza was delicious and in my opinion I preferred the base to the Pizza Express pizza's! It was much softer and less crispy than some GF bases....the pizza cutter was not necessary! So I eat my words (along with the pizza!) and I'll be back!!

Normality returned as I hit the shops for some retail therapy! My shopping buddy and I headed to the Outlet Centre in Ashford Kent. Plenty of choices for GF lunch and snacking! Starbucks, Spud-U-Like, Pizza Express, Cafe Nero and I think I spotted the faithful Golden Arches of McD's! I was feeling much more at home having a "grown up" chat, coffee and GF coconut and raspberry slice in Cafe Nero! (Before getting in the car and cranking up the volume to Take That!!)

FYI there were no almonds in the ingredient list either which is a bit of a rarity in some of the coffee chains!

After my dismal baking efforts over Easter I relented and bought some "back up" Free From Hot Cross from Sainsburys. Good job I did cos I needed them.....ahhhh cup of camomile tea and a nice toasted hot cross bun...does it get any better?! (Those of you who are more observant will see I can't even toast a bun without burning it!! Oooops!)

Well, I may be ploughing towards the big 4-0 BUT everyone has to embrace their inner child right?! Cadbury's Creme Eggs are to Easter what Terry's Chocolate Orange is to Christmas! The main difference being creme eggs are GF and choc orange sadly isn't! To crank up their loveliness (and my calorie intake) this year they introduces these into the mix

Woweeeee! What a treat! Does anyone know if these joyful pots are going to be around all year? Surely a pot of joy should be for life and not just for Easter?! 

Well, I'm off to put my slippers on and my feet up, in a room with adequate lighting and background noise at a suitable volume! Have a great week everyone!! X. (@lizprice79)

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